SoM Student Affairs Committee
The Student Affairs Committee is composed of Officers and Representatives. The Chairperson, Graduate Vice-Chairperson, Undergraduate Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer, and DEIJ Advocate are considered Officers. Representatives are a single Doctoral, Masters, Senior, Junior, Sophomore, and International representative from each respective class. Get to know the current SAC members here!
The Student Affairs Committee (SAC) is a Registered Student Organization of the University of Oklahoma serving the students of the School of Meteorology. SAC’s purpose is to ensure formal communication between faculty and students regarding School of Meteorology and College issues of direct importance to both undergraduate and graduate meteorology students. SAC represents the student body at all faculty meetings and relays student input on various issues such as curricula changes, degree requirements, and School resources.
Current and Recent SAC Activities
Multicultural Fest: SAC holds an annual Multicultural Fest, where students, faculty, and staff within the National Weather Center bring a dish to share that represents their culture. In 2024, over 200 people attended this event, and it featured performances from four OU student groups - AfroBeatz, the Armenian Student Association, the OU Latin Dance Club, and Sitaaras. SAC thanks the College of A&GS, SoM, CIWRO, the OK Mesonet, the ARRC SAC, and SGA for sponsoring this event!
Examination of Graduate Student Stipends: Continuing an effort that began as early as 2015, SAC Officers and Representatives did a complete review of the stipends of graduate students at OU compared to those in other atmospheric science programs, taking into account not only stipend amounts, but fees, cost of living, and other expenses associated with graduate life. This effort is undertaken to inspire a comprehensive review and overhaul of the graduate student pay structure within the School of Meteorology. Previous efforts have even, in part, led to a reduction in graduate student fees at the University level.
Hurricane Relief: Each year, students from SAC, OWL, and SCAN join together to raise funds for those impacted by hurricane (and other natural disaster) destruction. In 2023, students and the broader NWC community donated money via jars labeled with the names of faculty and student leaders, and those winning (or losing?) participants with the most money donated to their jars received a pie in the face! Thanks to the generosity of everyone involved, we raised $4001.24 to help those impacted by Hurricane Idalia and the Maui Wildfires.
International Students: The SAC International Representative continues to work each year on documenting procedures and policies useful to international students. Further information is available on the International Student Resources page on this site.
Representation on the GSC: SAC representatives attend Graduate Studies Committee meetings to provide student perspective on proposed changes to graduate curriculum. In addition, several changes were recommended for the Fall 2018 Graduate Student Handbook (most recent version available on the Graduate Student Resources page on this website) including new "best practices" for the direct-track PhD.
Research Fair: SAC hosts an annual college-wide research fair displaying current work of SoM and DGES graduate students. The research fair is intended to give graduate students an opportunity to present their research, provide ideas to attending students of the wide variety of research conducted with the College and its partners, and discuss various opportunities to which students may have access (i.e., internships, jobs, grad school opportunities, Capstone projects, etc.). The most recent research fair was held in March 2024, in collaboration with the Junior-level Principles of Research and Communication course.
Student Concerns: SAC continues to hear and communicate several student/departmental concerns including undergraduate facility usage, graduate and undergraduate courses, length of graduate study, and other issues. These discussions have led to several departmental changes to better suit student needs. Town Hall meetings are held each semester for undergraduate and graduate students and provide a space for students to discuss their concerns and voice comments about departmental issues.